After getting to know Who is an Internet Marketer? It will be easier to understand Online Marketing from the point of an online customer is receiving the service(s) or product(s) that the customer desires to obtain in exchange for his monetary instrument. This post is all about The Features of Online Marketing. In a well-established internet marketing strategy, the metrics is always given the TOP Priority. It’s those important numbers that strengthen the future foundation of an online marketing campaign.
The Features of Online Marketing as a whole is vast. So, I’m only going to state the important ones that should be kept in mind while practicing online marketing.
- Internet Marketing is about online marketing information, that contains metrics which are to be monitored and from which campaign objectives are to be carved out carefully.
- It is a one-to-one- approach. We may see the Internet to be a huge online storehouse
of information but when it comes down to just one single user then that targeted user is typically browsing the Internet alone. Thus, allowing the marketing messages to reach him/her personally. This type of trend can be seen in recent years of development where the Online Marketers are targeting young kids that seek products of their age. Example - A Year Without Rain [Deluxe Edition]
, Aladdin (Disney Special Platinum Edition)
- Internet Marketing is responsible for stimulating the online customer behavior or interest of the target user. The Online Marketer (Who is an Online Marketer?) has to understand the user’s taste and preference for that domain and change or adapt his campaign accordingly.
- Online Marketing applies to specific taste rather than going out to reach a wide geographic diversity. “On- and Off-line” marketers typically segment their markets according to age group, gender, geography, and other general factors.
- Online Marketers have the ease and luxury of targeting by activity and geo-location.
- Internet marketing differs from magazine advertisements, where the goal is to appeal to the projected demographic of the periodical, but rather the advertiser has knowledge of the target audience—people who engage in certain activities (e.g., uploading pictures, contributing to blogs) — so the company does not rely on the expectation that a certain group of people will be interested in its new product or service.
- Online Marketing also features the use of different content by choice under ‘Geo Targeting’. For example – The FedEx
website at where users have the choice to select their country location first and are then presented with a different site or article content depending on their selection.
Lastly, Online Marketing is the pathway to future profits and online business expansion. It provides an affordable and targeted way to communicate with potential customers using cheaper online investment, and online promotion.
I, now hope that you’ve acquired a certain idea about Online Marketing... the more of it, will be cleared as we move on!
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post! Get ready for my next extensive post on ‘Advantages of Online Marketing’.
Cheers! Have a Good Day! :)